Non-modal: Search and replace

In the previous section we constructed a deviously complex (at least, it felt that way) modal dialog box. Now we will attempt something comparable for a non-modal dialog box.


What we are aiming for is a combined "search" and "search and replace" dialog box. It should conform to the following requirements:

A tall order? Certainly, but also quite probably very instructive. A few minutes with the Designer gives us the following, esthetically pleasing, dialog box:

The find and replace dialog.

Integration in the application

Implementing all this functionality is quite complex, so it is best to first make sure that we can call the find and replace dialog window from the application. This entails adding two QAction's to the action dictionary, an icon to, and two new slots—and creating the dialog, of course.

You don't create, run and destroy a non-modal dialog, like we did with the settings dialog. Instead, you create it once, and show it whenever necessary. The Close button on the dialog doesn't really close it; it merely hides the window. In this case, the find and replace dialog is created in the constructor of KalamApp:

from dlgfindreplace import DlgFindReplace
class KalamApp(QMainWindow):

    def __init__(self, *args):
        apply(QMainWindow.__init__,(self, ) + args)
        # Create the non-modal dialogs
        self.dlgFindReplace = DlgFindReplace(self, "Find and replace")

There are two actions defined: one for search, and one for find and replace. Again, the "find" icon is the standard KDE 2 icon for find operations.

    def initActions(self):
        self.actions = {}


        # Edit actions

        self.actions["editFind"] = QAction("Find",

        self.actions["editReplace"] = QAction("Replace",

By now, you probably know what comes next: adding the actions to the menu bar, and to the toolbar. Since there isn't an icon for replace, it cannot be added to the toolbar:

    def initMenuBar(self):
        self.editMenu = QPopupMenu()
        self.menuBar().insertItem("&Edit", self.editMenu)

    def initToolBar(self):
        self.editToolbar = QToolBar(self, "edit operations")

Because the combined find/find and replace dialog has two modes, it is necessary to have two ways of calling it—one for find, and one for find and replace. The dialog should work on the current document and the current view, but it is difficult to determine if ‘current' should be the current document and view when the dialog is opened, as opposed to the document and view that have focus. The user might, after all, change document and view while the find dialog is open, or even close them. For now, let's use the document and view that are open when the dialog is shown.

    def slotEditFind(self):

    def slotEditReplace(self):

The actual implementation in DlgFindReplace of these show function is quite simple. The Find option hides certain widgets, after which the automatic layout management ensures that the dialog looks as good as it should. The Find and Replace options makes sure they are shown. The window caption is adapted, too. Note that you must first call show() on the entire dialog, and only then show() on the previously hidden widgets, otherwise the layout manager doesn't show the appearing widgets.

    def showFind(self, document, view):
        self.setCaption("Find in " + document.title())
        self.initOptions(document, view)

    def showReplace(self, document, view):
        self.setCaption("Find and replace in " + document.title())
        self.initOptions(document, view)

The result is pretty enough to show:

The Find dialog.

Implementation of the functionality

Now that we can show the find and replace dialog, it is time to implement some functionality. Again, we subclass the generated design and add what we need.

""" - Findreplace dialog for Kalam.

See: frmfindreplace.ui

copyright: (C) 2001, Boudewijn Rempt
import os, sys
from qt import *

import kalamconfig

from resources import TRUE, FALSE
from frmfindreplace import FrmFindReplace

class DlgFindReplace(FrmFindReplace):
    """ A full-featured search and replace dialog.
    def __init__(self,
                 parent = None,
                 name = None):
        FrmFindReplace.__init__(self, parent, name, FALSE, Qt.WStyle_Dialog)


In the constructor we connect all relevant clicked() signals to their slots. The rest of the initialization (such as determining which text or part of text we will work on) is moved to the show() function. The same instance of the dialog can be used for different documents.

    def showFind(self, document, view):
        self.setCaption("Find in " + document.title())
        self.init(document, view)

    def showReplace(self, document, view):
        self.setCaption("Find and replace in " + document.title())
        self.init(document, view)

As we discussed above, there are two show functions (showFind() and showReplace), each hides or shows the widgets that are relevant. The show functions also call the initialization function init().

    def init(self, document, view):
        self.document = document
        self.view = view

        if view.hasSelection():



The init() function sets the document and view variables. Most of the work is done directly on the view, making use of its functionality for inserting, deleting and selecting text. This is because whenever a string is found, it will be selected. Asking the document to select a string will cause it to select the string in all views of that document, which would be quite confusing for the user.

If there is already a selection present in the view, the "find in selection" checkbox is checked. This is convenient, because when a user presses find after having selected a section of text, he most likely wants the search to be performed in that selection only.

The function setFindExtent() (which we will examine in detail later in this section) determines which part of the text should be searched: from the cursor position to the end, to the beginning, or between the beginning and end of a selection. The find routine keeps track of where it is within a search extent, using the variable self.currentPosition, which is initially the same as the start position of the extent.

    # Slot implementations
    def slotRegExp(self):
        if self.radioRegexp.isChecked():

If you are using Qt 2.3, you cannot use regular expressions to search backwards. In Qt 3.0 the regular expression object QRegExp has been greatly extended, and can be used to search both forwards and backwards. When Kalam was written, Qt 3.0 was still in beta. Therefore, it was necessary to include code to disable the forward/backward checkboxes whenever the user selects the regular expressions search mode, and code to make forward searching the default.

On regular expressions: It is quite probable that you know more about regular expressions than I do. I can't write them for toffee, and I find reading regular expressions to be even harder (despite the fact that I used to be a dab hand at Snobol). Nonetheless, regular expressions are indispensable when searching a text. Even I know how to use $ to specify the end of input or \n to specify a new line. Regular expressions are everywhere on a Unix system, and all decent editors (as well as Python, Perl and most other languages) support them. On Windows, you can enter regular expressions in the search function of Word (or so I am told).

A regular expression is nothing more than an algebraic notation for characterizing a set of strings. An expression represents a pattern that the regular expression engine can use to match text. Python comes with its own highly capable, high performance regular expression engine, compared with which the regular expression engine in Qt 2.3 is a bit puny. The regular expression engine of Qt 3.0 has been improved a lot, and is nearly as good as the Python one.

According to the Qt online documentation, the Qt 2.3 QRegExp class recognized the following primitives:

  • c - the character 'c'

  • . - any character (but only one)

  • ^ - matches start of input

  • $ - matches end of input

  • [] - matches a defined set of characters. For instance, [a-z] matches all lowercase ASCII characters. Note that you can give a range with a dash (-) and negate a set with a caron (^ - [^ab] match anything that does contain neither a nor b)/

  • c* - matches a sequence of zero or more character c's

  • c+ - matches a sequence of one or more character c's

  • c? - matches an optional character c

  • \c - escape code for special characters such as \, [, *, +, . etc.

  • \t - matches the TAB character (9)

  • \n - matches newline (10). For instance "else\n" will find all occurrence of else that are followed with a new line, and that are thus missing the obligatory closing colon (:).

  • \r - matches return (13)

  • \s - matches a white space (defined as any character for which QChar::isSpace() returns TRUE. This includes at least ASCII characters 9 (TAB), 10 (LF), 11 (VT), 12(FF), 13 (CR) and 32 (Space)).

  • \d - matches a digit (defined as any character for which QChar::isDigit() returns TRUE. This includes at least ASCII characters '0'-'9').

  • \x1f6b - matches the character with unicode point U1f6b (hexadecimal 1f6b). \x0012 will match the ASCII/Latin1 character 0x12 (18 decimal, 12 hexadecimal).

  • \022 - matches the ASCII/Latin1 character 022 (18 decimal, 22 octal).

Being constitutionally unable to explain exactly how you go about creating regular expressions that work, I can only refer you to the online documentation of Python and Qt, and to the many tutorials available on the web. Qt 3.0 comes with an excellent page on regular expressions, too. Whenever I read Part I of Jurafsky and Martin's book ‘Speech and Language Processing', I have the feeling that I understand regular expressions, and I have never found that to be the case with any other text on the subject.

As a last note: both Python and Qt regular expressions work just fine with Unicode. Back to our code...

    def slotCaseSensitive(self):

    def slotBeginning(self):

    def slotSelection(self):

    def slotForward(self):

    def slotBackward(self):

Whenever the user alters one of the options that influence the direction or area of search, the extent must be adapted.

    # Extent calculations
    def setSelectionExtent(self):
        self.startSelection = self.view.selectionStart()
        self.endSelection = self.view.selectionEnd()

        self.startPosition = self.startSelection
        self.endPosition = self.endSelection

    def setBackwardExtent(self):
        # Determine extent to be searched
        if (self.chkWholeText.isChecked()):
            self.endPosition = self.view.length()
            self.endPosition = self.view.getCursorPosition()
        self.startPosition = 0

        if self.chkSelection.isChecked():
            if self.view.hasSelection():

        self.currentPosition = self.endPosition

    def setForwardExtent(self):
        # Determine extent to be searched
        if (self.chkWholeText.isChecked()):
            self.startPosition = 0
            self.startPosition = self.view.getCursorPosition()

        self.endPosition = self.view.length()

        if self.chkSelection.isChecked():
            if self.view.hasSelection():

        self.currentPosition = self.startPosition

    def setFindExtent(self):
        if self.radioForward.isChecked():

Correctly determining which part of the text should be searched is a fairly complex task. First, there is an important difference between searching forwards and backwards, if only because of the place where searching should start. A further complication is caused by the option to search either the whole text, or from the cursor position. Note that begin and end mean the same thing with both backwards and forwards searches; it is currentPosition, where searching should start, that is different between forward and backward searches.

    def wrapExtentForward(self):
        if QMessageBox.information(self.parent(),
                                   "End reached. Start from beginning?",
                                   1) == 0:
            self.endPosition = self.startPosition
            self.startPosition = 0
            self.currentPosition = 0

    def wrapExtentBackward(self):
        if QMessageBox.information(self.parent(),
                                   "Begin reached. Start from end?",
                                   1) == 0:
            self.startPosition = self.endPosition
            self.endPosition = self.view.length()
            self.currentPosition = self.startPosition

Whenever the current extent has been searched, the user should be asked whether he or she wants to search the rest of the text. The functions above are different for forwards and backwards searching, too.

    # Find functions
    def nextOccurrence(self):
        findText = self.cmbFind.currentText()
        caseSensitive = self.chkCaseSensitive.isChecked()
        if self.radioRegexp.isChecked():
            # Note differences with Qt 3.0
            regExp = QRegExp(findText,
            pos, len = regExp.match(self.view.text(),
            return pos, pos+len
            pos = self.view.text().find(findText,
            return (pos, pos + findText.length())

Searching forwards can be done by plain text matching, or with regular expressions.

Regular expressions are available from both Python and PyQt. Python regular expressions (in the re module) work on Python strings, while PyQt regular expressions work on QStrings. It is relatively inefficient to convert a QString to a Python string, so we use QRegExp here (though it is a little underpowered in its Qt 2.3 incarnation compared to re and Qt 3.0's QRegExp).

A QRegExp is constructed from a string that contains the patterns that should be matched, and two options. The first option determines whether the search should be case sensitive; the second determines whether or not the search is a wildcard search. Wildcard searches work like the filename expansion on a Unix command line, and are not terribly useful for searching in a text.

QRegExp has two tools for searching: match() and find(). Both take as parameters the QString to be searched and the position from which searching should start. However, match() also returns the length of the string that is found, and can take an optional parameter that indicates whether the start position should match the regular expression character "^" (start of input). You don't want this for searching in editable text, so we make it FALSE by default.

Literal searching is a simple matter of applying the find() method of QString from the current position.

Looking for an occurrence returns either -1, if nothing was found, or the begin and end positions of the string that was found. Note that QString.find() doesn't return the length of the found string; we take the length() of the search string to determine the end position.

    def previousOccurrence(self):
        findText = self.cmbFind.currentText()
        caseSensitive = self.chkCaseSensitive.isChecked()
        pos = self.view.text().findRev(findText,
        return (pos, pos + findText.length())

Qt 2.3 doesn't yet support backwards searching with regular expressions, so the function previousOccurrence is quite a bit simpler. Instead of QString.find(), QString.findRev() is used - this searches backwards.

    def slotFindNext(self):
        if self.radioForward.isChecked():
            begin, end = self.nextOccurrence()
            if begin > -1:
                self.currentPosition = end
                return (begin, end)
                if (self.chkSelection.isChecked() == FALSE and
                    self.chkWholeText.isChecked() == FALSE):
                return (self.currentPosition, self.currentPosition)
            begin, end = self.previousOccurrence()
            if begin > -1:
                self.currentPosition = begin -1
                return (begin, end)
                if (self.chkSelection.isChecked() == FALSE and
                    self.chkWholeText.isChecked() == FALSE):
                return (self.currentPosition, self.currentPosition)

The slotFindNext slot is the central bit of intelligence in this class. Depending upon the selected direction, the next or previous occurrence of the search string is searched. If an occurrence is found (when begin is greater than -1), it is selected, and the current position is moved. If there are no more matches, the user is asked whether he or she wants to go on with the rest of the document.

    def slotReplaceNext(self):
        begin, end = self.slotFindNext()
        if self.view.hasSelection():
            return begin, end
            return -1, -1

    def slotReplaceAll(self):
        begin, end = self.slotReplaceNext()
        while begin > -1:
            begin, end = self.slotReplaceNext()
            print begin, end

Replacing is one part finding, one part replacing. The slotFindNext() code is reused, which is one good reason for creating a dialog that has both a find and a find and replace mode. slotFindNext() already selects the match, so replacing is a simple matter of deleting the match and inserting the replacement string. This is done with a new function in KalamView:

class KalamView(QWidget):
    def replaceSelection(self, text):

Messing about with the text in a QMultiLineEdit widget has a few tricky points. You should avoid trying to directly change the QString that you retrieve with QMultiLineEdit.text()— changing this string behind the editor's back is a sure recipe for a beautiful crash. QMultiLineEdit has several functions, such as deleteChar() (which not only deletes characters, but also the selection, if there is one), to alter the contents. However, these functions don't emit the textChanged() signal— you will have to do that yourself. If we do not emit textChanged(), other views on the same document won't know of the changes, nor will the document itself know it has been changed.

Another interesting complication occurs because QMultiLineEdit, the editor widget used in KalamView, works with line and column positioning, not with a position within the string that represents the text. This makes it necessary to create conversion functions between string index and editor line / column position in KalamView, which is potentially very costly business for long files:

class KalamView(QWidget):
    def getLineCol(self, p):
        for line in range(self.editor.numLines()):
            if i < self.editor.textLine(line).length():
                return (line, i)
                # + 1 to compensate for \n
                i-=(self.editor.textLine(line).length() + 1) 
        # fallback
        return (0,0)

    def setCursorPosition(self, p):
        """Sets the cursor of the editor at position p in the text."""
        l, c = self.getLineCol(p)
        self.editor.setCursorPosition(l, c)

    def getPosition(self, startline, startcol):
        if startline = 0:
            return startcol
        if startline > self.editor.numLines():
            return self.editor.text().length()
        for line in range(self.editor.numLines()):
            if line < startline:
                i += self.editor.textLine(line).length()
                return i + startcol

    def getCursorPosition(self):
        """Get the position of the cursor in the text"""
        if self.editor.atBeginning():
            return 0
        if self.editor.atEnd():
            return self.editor.text().length()

        l, c = self.editor.getCursorPosition()
        return self.getPosition(l, c)

The function getLineCol() takes a single index position as argument. It then loops through the lines of the editor, subtracting the length of each line from a temporary variable, until the length of the current line is greater than the remaining number of characters. Then we have linenumber and column.

The same, but in reverse is necessary in getPosition to find out how far into a string the a certain line number and column position is. There are a few safeguards and optimizations, but not quite enough.

Qt 3 offers the QTextEdit class, which is vastly more powerful than QMultiLineEdit. For instance, QTextEdit sports a built-in find function. Internally, QTextEdit is associated with QTextDocument, which is comparable to our KalamDocument. But you can't get at QTextDocument (it's not even documented, you need to read the Qt source code to find out about it), so it's not a complete replacement for our document-view architecture. The external rich text representation of QTextEdit is a subset of html, which makes it less suitable for a programmer's editor. You have to choose: either colorized, fontified text, and filter the html codes out yourself, or a plain text editor. Fortunately, Qt 3 still includes QMultiLineEdit for compatibility reasons.