Chapter 27. Envoi

And that's it — apart from the appendices. There is a lot more I would like to write about, for example, a chapter on using the mxODBC database driver together with Qt's QTable. I would have liked a chapter dedicated to QEvent and QEventLoop. More discussion of Qt's great QTextEdit text editor, would have been nice (but I had already started on a Python implementation of an editor widget with QScrollView). A small example game or an editor implemented entirely in Python would be fun. Oh, and the Qt OpenGL module has been wrapped too. Wait! I don't want to stop writing—the subject is large, and there is something new to discover every day... Well, all I can say, since I have to stop now, is: have fun, and meet me at the webforum Opendocs provides for this book, comp.lang.python, or on the PyKDE mailing list.